Les Incomplètes
To be incomplete is to be on a quest, searching for one’s soul mates.
It is an attempt to complement one another, to fuse into symbiosis.
It is perpetually rummaging the world over for answers.
To be incomplete necessitates an active construction of the self…
One is ceaselessly incomplete and yet never wants to remain so.
One must refuse this condition, strive for fulfillment, knowledge, action,
affirmation and humbly take responsibility.
One must never forget that without others, one is worth very little.
To be incomplete is to be a heart in search of another.
Founded in 2011 in Quebec City, Les Incomplètes is a theatre company focused on research and creation, inspired by pluralism in art. Based on their unique approach, the company produces sensory driven pieces, full of rich imagery, providing audiences with a unique aesthetic experience.
While there is a desire to explore all audiences, the company focuses its research on early childhood, believing that because children are not bound by theatrical codes, they can be free to delve into narratives based largely on image and sense.
In hopes of creating a social connection and thus enriching their creative process, Les Incomplètes also spearhead cultural action projects, whose aim is to bring the community, the artists and their creative pieces closer together.